Together we save

You can partner with us in many ways and make a contribution to creating a harmonious living environment for humans and nature.

our wildlife


Donate to save

Help us protect Vietnam's endangered species, combat the illegal wildlife trade, promote sustainable development, and educate local communities.

our wildlife


A message from wild birds:

There is an increasing demand for wild birds and migratory birds across Vietnam. This demand has increased bird hunting, pushing wild birds and migratory birds to the edge of extinction.

Don’t hunt us!

Our focuses

Saving Species and Safeguarding Habitats

We collaborate with wildlife conservation organisations, authorities and associations to promote wildlife rescue and rehabilitation.

Engaging Schools and Community

We aim to increase awareness of the importance of local conservation not only for students but also the teachers and local communities, then empower them to manage their own resources.

Strengthening Partnership and Development

We work with our partners to stimulate the exchange of learning, experience, expertise, and resources, which helps create a more positive impact for biodiversity.

Our impacts

km forest trails patrolled
Traps were removed
Vietnamese Youth trained to become Wildlife Conservationists
local people in Ninh Binh engaged in migratory bird conservation
Students have benefited from wildlife libraries

Pledge to Protect Our Winged Travelers

WildAct calls on the community to join the online pledge campaign to sign for protecting migratory birds. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a brighter future for our avian friends.

36 of 5000 people signed.

Sprout of the Forest

The campaign calling on the community to join hands to raise 10 scholarships to support education for the sprout of Chu Yang Sin forest.

$789 of $4,000 raised.

Support WildLibrary project

WildAct also operates a WildLibrary, which is an essential resource for educating and inspiring the public about the importance of wildlife conservation. The library provides access to books and materials related to biodiversity, ecosystem conservation, and endangered species. Your donation helps us buy books on WildLibrary educating children dwelling in the National Park area on the importance of conservation and sustainable livelihoods.

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Anti-poaching patrols:

In Vietnam, wildlife trafficking is a major issue, and many species are at risk of extinction due to poaching. WildAct's anti-poaching patrols aim to protect wildlife by preventing poaching activities. The organisation works with local communities to train and equip community patrol teams to monitor and protect wildlife, particularly endangered species. Your donation help fund for community patrol team to protect wildlife from poachers

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Focus on removing bird traps:

Knowing the trapping, captive breeding and trade of wild birds is a serious problem in Vietnam, WildAct conducted a meeting and developed strategic plans for migratory bird conservation with Ninh Binh Forest Protection Department. We have collabrated to carry out campaigns which remove traps and nets at hotspots for hunting migratory birds in Ninh Binh province. Your donation helps us carry out more removing trap activities on a broader scale to ensure ecological balance and reduce the decline in the number of rare and precious wild birds in Vietnam.

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