Our CCT successfully rescued Chu Yang Sin's wildlife
In the first quarter of 2024 patrol, the CCT and Chu Yang Sin National Park rangers worked together to successfully rescue 01 wild pigs and 02 Northern Pig-tailed Macaque. In addition, 130 km of forest were covered, 192 different sizes of snare traps were dismantled and more than 10 poacher’s illegal camps were removed by Chu Yang Sin’s rangers.
The CCT also discovered many animal tracks in patrol areas with high mountainous terrain. This highlights the important work of our team in patrolling and removing traps!.
This month, the CCT will keep up our diligent efforts to cooperate with Chu Yang Sin National Park's Forest Ranger and Specialized Forest Protection Forces in order to safeguard 60,000 hectares of forest, which helps to absorb almost 60 million tons of CO2, as well as the habitat that both humans and wild animals depend on.