Conserving large mammals in the Annamite mountains


Many mammal species, such as the Critically Endangered large-antlered muntjac Muntiacus vuquangensis, the Endangered Owston’s civet Chrotogale owstoni, Annamite striped- rabbit Nesolagus timminsi, crested argus Rheinardia ocellata and the Vulnerable Sun bear Helarctos malayanus, recently recorded in the Annamites ecoregion of Viet Nam, are highly threatened with extinction due to habitat loss and hunting. There are estimated to be over 12 million snares in protected areas in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, confirming this as one of the greatest threats to biodiversity in the region. This highlights the need for urgent action to reduce hunting pressure in one of only three places in all of Viet Nam where the above species co-occur, namely Chu Yang Sin National Park. The proposed project aims to investigate hunting pressure in the area and establish a local conservation committee to participate in conservation activities. The project's long-term goal is to ensure stable viable populations of threatened species in CYSNP. 


  • Threat assessment to implement evidence-driven conservation actions for threatened Annamite endemics in CYSNP; 

  • Establish a Community Conservation Committee and deploy Community Conservation Teams to cultivate community-based guardianship and provide measurable increases in patrolling intensity and effectiveness within designated areas; 

  • Reduce demand for wild meat consumption in local communities. 


  • Community survey;

  • Baseline threat assessment across CYSNP;

  •  Community workshop.

  • Establishment of Community Conservation Committees (CCCs).

  • Deployment of Community Conservation Teams (CCTs).

  • Create a chain of Wildlife Friendly restaurants surrounding CYSNP.

  • Awareness raising targeting wild meat traders and consumers.

Key achievements

  • 100km2 surveyed;

  • 61 local people surveyed;

  • 327 traps and 14 illegal camps were found and removed;

  • 03 hunting hotspots identified that required higher patrolling efforts.

Read more about the project HERE